
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Six signs to know she cheating on you without asking her...

People cheat because they know it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission. Below is a list of six things that will help you know if your woman is secretly having an affair.

1. She starts caring a lot more about her physical appearance.
She starts putting a lot more time into her hair and makeup. If after that she says she has gone to the grocery shop or her friends place then something other than shopping may be happening. her wardrobe has suddenly changed and doubled or even tripled over the past few weeks. If you have not recently been
out on a date, then it only means one thing, she is dressing up for someone that’s not you. It could be a workmate, a classmate, or just someone else in her life.
On the other hand, she may also start caring a bit more about her appearance because she simply wants to look nicer.

2. She withdraws from your friends.
If she suddenly never wants to hang out with your friends then maybe she is trying to disengage herself from you. If she is cheating she may be feeling that she doesn’t deserve to be in your social life. Sometimes your friends, behavior may start to change when she is around. This is a clear indication that they may know something that you don’t. She may be cheating on you and you are the last to know!

3. She stops paying attention to you

Once her interest in you ends you’ll be in for a series of disappointments. She stops asking how your day was, how school or work was, she stops calling you, and she starts forgetting important events in your life like your birthday and anniversary.

This may be because she is seeing someone else or she is just not interested anymore.

4. She’s too busy to hang out with you.

You used to go out on Saturdays and now she is occupied during the weekends. she doesn’t even apologize or at least notice that you are no longer hanging out like you used to. She suddenly starts spending more time at work or with her friends. And when she goes out with her friends, does she look overly s3xy or act lightheartedly silly? If yes, it is because she is going to meet someone that’s slowly slipping into her importance list and about to become her priority

5. She frequently mentions her ‘new friend’
Has a new workmate or classmate’s name come up once or twice recently during your conversations? Has it come up a lot of times? If so, then this ‘new friend ’is about to be your worst nightmare. Ask questions about the ‘new friend’ and watch out if she gets all defensive or excited. Sometimes she might put on the guilty face which only means one thing- she is cheating on you.

6. She’s suddenly more interested in your schedule.

You may think that this is a sign that she really cares about you, but it could be her way of making sure you don’t catch her cheating. Sometimes she may ask you to be clear about when you’re getting back home and may even text you. The thing is, she may not be eagerly waiting to see you. She could be trying to ensure that you will not be anywhere around where she will be having her romantic activities with her new partner.

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