
Monday, March 10, 2014

Comedy is not business, it’s an art — I Go Dye (read interesting interview )

The comedy industry has created a multimillion dollars empire that has swept this country with its prevailing success. Today in Nigeria, comedians are brand ambassadors, captains of industries and there can’t be a complete event without the presence of a comedian.

Today, there is no way you can talk about the comedy industry in Africa without making reverence to Francis Agoda, popularly know as I Go Dye, a Nideo Spain awardee as the  Best African comedian; TV People New York African Best Comedian; A  three-time award-winning Nigerian Best comedian, and United Nations Millennium Goal Ambassador. Here, he speaks on his mission  to help in the national project.
How  is the comedy business?
Well, it’s fine.  Although, it is not really a business, it is an art that is enjoying intellectual equity, providing a platform for social restructuring and promoting core moral values through  hilarious means. There is remuneration from the art but I can’t call it business.
Would you say you are a fulfilled person?
Life is not quantified by one’s success alone. The situation in your immediate environment also shows how you are faring . In terms of personal aspiration, I would say no, because most of my desires to live in a society devoid of certain factors hampering proper  standard way of living are not present in the lives of those living around us. Majority of people in our midst still live below poverty level. So, how can I be fulfilled?
Recently you held a crowd spellbound at Edo carnival with a stirring speech on empowering the youths; what was that all about?
I have always been an advocate of positive and inspirational motivation to many youths through my creative work on stage. That event was one of the many occasions, that I have used to express the shortcomings of our political class; urging them to empower the Nigerian youths. I am championing a cause presently, which is structured to reposition the youths towards achieving a mental revolution. I have always identified with this struggle through, IGODYE, an acronym, which means; Initiative Guide on Developing Youths Endowments. So the performance in the youth summit in Benin City,  was just a continuation of what has been existing all along.
In your opinion, do you think the government  is doing enough for the youths?
Well, there  have been reports of purported empowerment schemes put in place by our political representatives, but the success is not commensurable to the standard that we see in the lives of youths in the country. Nigerian youths are not adequately empowered
Any plans of going into politics?Life is politics. We all, are playing it indirectly or directly. There is always a political side in every aspect of our daily endeavours.
As a successful Nigerian, what do you hope to do to help, as your personal contribution to national development?
Well, first of all, the youths need to believe in themselves and set their priorities right. The mental attitude defines the altitude in one’s life. There has to be a massive reorientation of the Nigerian youths. Building and empowering the youths requires a national template; it is  the foundation  base of every country.
Over the years, I have been organising seminars on self-discovery and most times on stage, I have portrayed myself as a source of motivation and inspiration to the youths.
Base on this inherent desire to encourage the youths I am now projecting ‘Leaders of Today’ programme, to bring about  mental revolution. The  project is meant to explore the opportunities that abound to the  youths, so that they can harness their potentials and redirect their focus from mere issues to achieving extraordinary heights.
What does it take to be a successful comedian?
Every work of art requires preparation and development. Comedy is not exceptional in this regards. Although some comedians have inherent natural attributes but the ability to combine this gift with constituency requires research, work of art and determination.
There is a rumour that you are building a palatial edifice somewhere in Lagos?
I run Revamp Construction Company and we are  always involved in property developments.
How do you relax?
I am always in a relaxed mood, when not caught up in any competitive venture. So, I relax every passing second, when I am not busy. I  listen to evergreen classics from  Johnny Cash, Tammy Wynette and Ella Fitzgerald.
Is there a comedian that you consider better than you?
All performing artistes are like identical twins from the same mother. They all have their similarities and uniqueness. I know that all comedians are extraordinary in their own rights and I see my self in them and they all reflect as the mirror of positive change and hope.
What is your mission in life?
God is the perfect author and finisher. I am just  a messenger sent to present a message

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