
Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Men are dynamic. That is the fact! He wants to stay he will, he doesn't want to, he won't! They are just some complicated specie..lol. But there are common rules to keep your man. These are well researched and written. This applies to men of nowadays. The rules are:

1. Give him space shocked but not too much so that he won't feel detached.
Men just want their space, while women want to always be close, attached curdled close etc. You just need to know when your man wants his space and give him!

2. Be loyal. Loyalty is sticking with someone, no matter what until a purpose is achieved. And the ideal purpose for any relationship is to spend the rest of your lives together. However, This plays both ways. But since this article is about ladies, I'd say if you want to keep your man you must be loyal to him. Have faith in his plans and decisions, believe in him and support him in making his plans come through.

3. Be patient. Ladies are more patient. The good ones though. Don't be quick to write him off just because he hit a bump with his plans. Don't be quick to remind him of his flaws or poor judgment even though you suggested a better option. Seriously..its like most ladies are just waiting for things to fail and the next word they say is 'I told you this was wrong, but you won't listen'. Rather be objective. Replan, regroup and react. Enough said

4. Don't ask for things your father CAN'T afford. I know someone just said 'he's suppose to take care of my needs'. Well you said 'suppose' and not your every needs. A guy who spends most of what he earns on you won't want to continue that for a lifetime. Fact!! So get a job, help yourself, or best still stay simple.
5. Don't nag. This is quite sensitive. What a man would call nagging, the woman calls 'expressing herself'.  And what a man sees as insignificant....it could mean the world to the woman. But nagging is an incessant complain about someting. Notice 'incessant'. How do you lay your complains? Murmur about it? Not cool! Just learn how best to get your man's attention and he would listen. If he doesn't listen to you....what are you doing in the relationship??

6. Stalk him (a little), but make sure you don't get caught!

7. As far as he doesn't cheat to your face, or take HER calls in your presence; don't complain! Manage it! Your next might be worse! #sadfact

8. Be proud of him. Let him know!

9. Be faithful. No need to explain this again. One man at a time.

10. Pray for him and with him.

1 comment:

  1. And not forgetting.....watch football matchs with hin and also support his football club


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