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Friday, January 17, 2014
How to post comments on my blog.
We try to b very selective of the posts we upload here in terms of contents, morals, and the truthfulness of the story. If it has a credible source we r quick to redirect your attention there.
But it seems some who are not very used to blogs and how it operates are finding it hard to post their comments. So this is a step by step instruction on how you can successfully post a comment.
1. At the end of each post is a " post your comments" . First is click that line.
2 Type in your comments in the big box.
3 In the" select profile ", if you have a gmail account and you remember your password kindly select "google" and input your gmail and password to register. Please note that the admin won't see your gmail. So Dont b
4. In case u have no Google account, u can still post comments by clicking the last option in the 'select profile'. And that is 'anonymous'.
5. Last step is to publish your post. Click 'publish' to do that.
Then it will b submitted to admin for moderation if nessesary.
I hope I have been able to make anyone truly understand how it is done. Thanks and cheers.
#creazywrita team.
Follow @crazywritablog
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