
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Boy, 12, Hangs Himself & Dies After Being Tormented By Bullies At School

Kyle Darker, 12, made the tragic decision to hang himself inside of his family home after school on April 1. While his family remains heartbroken at their massive loss, Kyle’s friends claim he was the victim of ruthless bullying at his school. How sad.
Kyle Darker‘s family is now paying tribute to the little boy they described as always being happy and outgoing.

Kyle, an innocent 12-year-old schoolboy was found dead in his family home shortly after being released from St, Patrick’s Roman Catholic High School on April 1. A family member immediately called for an ambulance, and Kyle was airlifted to the hospital. Sadly, it was too late for him.

According to the Daily Mail, local police were not treating the death as suspicious, though they did block off the street where Kyle lived as they gathered evidence about his death. It’s been suggested by family and friends of Kyle that the boy was the victim of bullying by some of his classmates.

“Hate bullies so much. RIP Kyle sleep tight little man, had your whole life ahead of you,” a friend of Kyle’s named Jess Davis wrote on his memorial Facebook page after news of his death spread.

Even though Kyle was bullied, no one seems to know why. In fact, his family and friends have not had a single bad thing to say about him.

“Tonight we lost our very happy, outgoing, funny little boy. Your loss has left another big hole in our hearts. We are going to miss you terribly sweetheart,” his aunt, Margaret Tunnacliffe wrote online.

A family friend even called out the school for not intervening and helping Kyle with his bully issue.

“This is just so very sad and so very wrong. It’s heart-breaking that this little boy did not get the help and support,” family friend Jean Wilde wrote. “This is just so very sad and so very wrong. It’s heart-breaking that this little boy did not get the help and support. What a lovely little boy, my heart goes out to his parents and I fear for other boys like him that fall prey to bullying. God bless and may you RIP Kyle, my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.”

When St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic High School was reached for comment, they said the following: “It is shocking and a lot of people will be affected by this. The thoughts and prayers of all staff members and the school are with the family and friends of Kyle.”

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