
Friday, May 30, 2014

Wedding invitation:- CRAZYWRITA is getting married!! Read details

Hurray! Hurray!! Hurray!!!!


I know you all have been waiting for this.......................
Thiş is to invite "U", My Friends and Well Wishers to My Wedding Ceremony scheduled to take placeas follows

ENGAGEMENT:Main Town Hall, Bama Village, Borno State.

TRADITIONAL WEDDING:Government Girls' Secondary School AuditoriumChibok Borno State.

WHITE WEDDİNG:Gwoza Multipurpose Hall, Borno State.

RECEPTION / PİCNİC:Sambisa Forest, Borno State.

MEETING ARENA: Nyanya Bus Stop.

NOTE: Please endeavour to attend cos I will not be in attendance. I will stay back to ensure that members of the press are properly informed for adequate coverage.

Additionally, i have informed the Nigerian millitary so that there would be adequate security guranteed.

�Come One, Come All!!!!!


  1. You invit people to your wedding without the wedding date and time.

  2. God will help you oh... If I hear that I attend. Make Boka haram people do their werey there ba? Thank you oh


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