A newborn was rescued after its mother gave birth and tried to flush it.The woman who had no idea she was pregnant went to a hospital in China complaining of stomach pains.
According to doctor Gao Yuwen, who was on duty...
"I dashed out, and found people gathered outside a bathroom.A woman was hectically knocking the door, asking the other woman inside to open the door.' She went into the bathroom and locked herself in and in a short time I heard a baby's cries from inside and knocked on the door asking whether she was okay.After failing to persuade the woman to open the door a security guard broke it down. 'I saw a baby was immersed in the toilet pan crying heavily and was still connected to her mom with an umbilical cord.'Is it really possible for a woman to be pregnant for 9 months without knowing?
Both mother and baby are fine"
Very possible!!! Miracle child.