
Friday, April 11, 2014

5 Lamest and most annoying breakup lines ever used by guys and girls...

You may have heard them too in the past or probably used them yourself. They're so common they deserve a place in the dictionary or a trash can.

But, that’s not even the most annoying part. The worst thing about these lame breakup excuses is that they are rarely honest: if someone is breaking up with you, you want to know why, and you deserve to know why. What you don’t want is someone with an excuse that reads like "ehmm XYZ, you see I am just not ready for all this…” And Blah, Blah, Blah.

So here are the 5 most lame break-up lines:

1. We Are Not Compatible


Over what are we not compatible?

People who use this excuse, if you notice are never specific. At least if we were both 100% incompatible, the wouldn't have been a relationship in the first place, isn't that so?.

2. It’s Not You, It’s Me

The lamest thing about this excuse is that it is a bold faced lie. The person who is using it is really saying, “It’s you, I'm awesome.” BECAUSE if it really wasn't you, then why are they initiating a breakup to begin with?

3. I'm Not Ready For Commitment

The thing is, people using this excuse are blaming it on fear of obligation. Those who say they are not ready to commit mean "they are not ready to commit with you". BECAUSE if they weren't ready to commit with anyone, then why would they be dating in the first place?

4. I Need to Concentrate On Me

This is another excuse that has been used for centuries, perhaps even time hasn't taken away any of its lameness. I do agree people do need – and should – concentrate on themselves, but they don't need to end a relationship to do it. Instead, being in a relationship is actually a wonderful way to learn about yourself, and concentrate on fixing your shortcomings.

5. I Just Don't Have Time For Anything Serious

I hate this one a lot. When someone tells you, they don't have time for anything serious, it means "I just don't have time for anything serious with you." BECAUSE even superstars who are genuinely incredibly busy, do have the ability to make time for the people they want to pursue.

Worst feeling ever!!!

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