
Monday, March 10, 2014

YOU can know if he's right for you....here's how.

You stand there wondering, is he the right one. Your mind says he isn't...your heart can't let go tho. There is conflict and it gets you frustrated.
Every woman has some dating doubts, but if you’re experiencing any of the following issues, perhaps you are dating the wrong guy. To find long-term compatibility and true happiness, we should take matters into our own hands.

Here are a few warning signs you are dating Mr. Wrong.

1. He thinks the world revolves around him
If your guy is more interested in how you fit in his world and he doesn’t take into consideration your individual needs, you’re certainly dating the wrong guy. You feel that
your partner only thinks about himself and he always does whatever he wants, even when you don’t like his actions and he knows about it.

2. You desperately try to impress him
Do you feel like you are wearing a mask when you are with him? Do you desperately try to impress him but he demands more? Ladies, your man must love you for who you are, so don’t be afraid to be yourself. If he doesn’t love
you as you are, why are you still with him?

3. He is too clingy
While most men complain about women being needy and clingy,Wronge are guys who are more clingy than girls. If your boyfriend is one of them, you may be dating Mr Wrong. It’s not healthy and wise to expect you to be his
singular source of joy and happiness. You and your guy should have some alone time in order to keep the spark in your relationship.

4. Your family and friends have never met him
Did you introduce your boyfriend to your family or friends? No? Why? Because he doesn’t want or because you are embarrassed by him so much that you don’t want your
social circles to know him? If he doesn’t want to meet your family, it’s a red flag to watch out for in your relationship. Are you sure he loves you?

5. He doesn’t listen to you
If you feel like your partner never listens to you, you might be dating the wrong man. You feel sad and you share your emotions and feelings with him, and he starts speaking
about his friend’s new girlfriend without noticing your sadness, it’s a sure sign he doesn’t care about you. When he feels bad, he demands lots of attention and he hates when
you don’t listen to him. Just break up with him. You deserve someone better, trust me.

I know it’s hard to be alone so you might stay in a relationship knowing that is destined for failure. But you both just waste your time. If you don’t see your future with him, end your relationship and meet the man you will be
happy with. So, ladies, are you dating Mr. Wrong?


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