
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Missing Malaysian Airline:- Pilot may have committed suicide

Authorities are investigating the possibility that the pilot of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 committed suicide. The plane which vanished on Saturday carrying 239 people after taking off from Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing remains an unsloved mystery as cellphones of passengers on board the plane are still ringing.

The theory could offer an explanation as to how the plane 'disappeared' from civilian radar tracking its movements, as the pilot could simply have switched off the transponder shortly before it vanished.

Here are some possible explanations. Though it has its inconsistencies.

1. A mid-air explosion: The lack of debris could be explained by it falling into Malaysian jungle

2. A terrorist attack: Director of CIA has said terrorism could not be ruled out

3. Power failure: Possibly caused by deliberate cutting of power to communication instruments

4. Electronic warfare: 20 passengers on board were experts in this technology.

5. Hijacking: Radar data indicates the plane might have made a U-turn.

6. A pilot error: There is a chance of them in all air mysteries, claim experts

7. Structural failure: Possibly involving damage sustained by an accident in 2012

8. Pilot suicide: There were two large jet crashes in the late 1990s caused by this

9. Aeronautical black hole: Plane is stranded hundreds of miles from current search area

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