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Monday, March 31, 2014
From a female blog reader:- Embarrassing questions boys should never ask a girl...
1: Are you a virgin
2: do you like sex
3: you're fat(what if she is, eyes can see but mouth can't speak. Lol)
4: what is your bosom size (what if I want to buy her a bra?)
5: how many guys have you dated (for records sake na)
6: let me read your inbox
7: your dress is too short
8: your makeup is too flashy
7: you're too artificial (atomic bomb)
8: you like money
9: I've never loved you
10: you're too holy
11: sex or breakup
12: have you brushed your teeth (if she likes to whisper gossip always nko?)
13: are u shaved or hairy down there (how else do I know?)
14: can I kiss you (rude to ask, just get on to it. You either receive a soft lips or a thick slap)
15. I'm going to add my Ex as a friend on Facebook. Ok by you?
From a female blog reader..( brackets are mine)
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