
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Strictly For The Guys-How to Confess your Love to a Girl and Not Get Rejected

How to confess your love to a girl and not get rejected
Friends fall in love with each other all the time.
Sometimes, it’s a little crush that’s soon forgotten.
And at other times, friends hook up or have a fling that eventually ends.
And in the worst case scenario, the guy hides his feelings for this friend, until the point where she starts dating a new guy.
And then, he barges up to her, and tells her that he really loves her and has always loved her, and wants her to love him!
Well, this may work in the movies, but in real life, if you ever do something like that, you’re definitely setting yourself up for failure.
Well, just use these five easy steps, and you’ll see just how amazingly easy it can be to make a girl fall in love with you even before you ask her out.
#1 Start talking to her. Is she a friend, or is she someone you walk past occasionally? The first thing you need to do is to find a way to get to know her better. Get her attention and make a great first impression when she’s around. Arousing a girl’s curiosity and making her think you’re a great guy can make things a lot easier for you.
On the other hand, if you’re a shy guy who doesn’t like being the center of attention, you can always get to know her through her friends or through a common acquaintance. 
#2 Show off your funny bone. The easiest way to get closer to a girl and make her feel comfortable around you is by using humor. Girls love a guy who’s funny, and it works wonders with women because humor always takes the awkwardness out of any conversation. And even if there’s nothing much to talk about, making a girl laugh will make you memorable in her eyes.
#3 Tease her and flirt with her. Before you confess your love to a girl, make sure you stay away from the friend zone. Most guys who are funny and sweet end up falling into a girl’s friend zone because they just don’t know where to draw the line between being friendly and trying to woo a girl. 
Charm her and compliment her often. Let her see that you notice the little things about her that makes her pretty. If she’s wearing something nice, compliment her about it. If she looks great, tell her she looks really pretty. When you’re trying to woo a girl, always let her know that you find her attractive. 

#4 Get close to her. Try to spend more time with her, especially when no one’s around. It’ll make her feel comfortable around you, and at the same time, she’d start craving for your company and miss you when you aren’t around. Try to do things together, call her often and ask her for her advice and help. Asking a girl for advice, be it about clothing, your life or anything else will always make her bond with you and get closer to you.
#5 Text her and get naughty. If you’ve completed the first few steps here, the girl you like would probably really like you too. But just to make sure she likes you a lot in a more-than-just-friends kind of way, warm your way up and start texting her late at night. You could start off by texting late in the evenings, and work your way to texts in bed within a few days.


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