
Sunday, February 9, 2014


Couples go into marriage with high expectations. Either of themselves or of their prospective marriage mate. But the twist to this is that most times these expectations aren't usually fifilled. And this leads to such a great disappointment that it not only robs the mate of the joy marriage brings, it could ultimately lead to the untimely death of the marriage. So here is a heads up, an eye opener. There are some expectations you should not have about marriage because they will never come thru. Lets see 5 of them.

1. It isn't a cure for loneliness.
We see couples everywhere—in restaurants, on TV, on the bus or train or sidewalks on the way to work—and feel like something is missing in our lives if we're alone. As humans, we have an innate need to belong, and we expect a spouse to provide that sense of belonging and intimacy and comfort.

But most people remain lonly after marriage Why? After all, they've found a perfect mate who has taken great strides toward fulfilling
their need for intimacy. The reason is because that's a heavy load for one person to bear. Lonely single people become lonely married people. If your goal in marriage is to satisfy your need to belong, your next stop may be heartbreak.

2.It isn't an escape from boredom.
 Some couples get married to shake off boredom. Life becomes dull, and it's easy to convince yourself that a serious relationship will make the day more bearable.  Regular conversation or at least you'll have someone to watch TV with.

The fact is the main course of boredon isn't necessarily an external lack of stimulus, but rather an internal one.
Getting married in order to generate a little excitement in your life is a terrible motivation. Why? Because once the merry-go-round stops—once the novelty wears out—you'll immediately start looking for the next ride.

3.It isn't a rowdy sex always.
Despite what guys think, your wife won't always want to wear that see-through teddy. Elastic and lace just aren't that comfortable in some places. And ladies? Keeping the romance alive is hard work for us guys. Sometimes we just want to watch Chelsea vs man utd match.
Still, with communication and sensitivity, sex can (and should) remain a vital part of marriage. It's the ultimate bonding activity for a couple to share. But remember, it's not the only activity. Don't expect marriage to be a 50-year honeymoon of libido and lipstick.

4.It isn't a means to a makeover.
How many times have you heard this? "He's not really interested in the stuff I like to do, but that'll change once we get married." Very few marriages that launch from that pad end up happily ever after.

If there's anything you should know about marriage, it's this: Saying "I do" may change your legal relationship, but it doesn't change your character. Don't enter a marriage expecting to remake your husband or wife into someone else. You can't. People have character and traits they have been carrying since childhood. It's been with us so long, very few have the willpower to drop it before entering the wedding chapel. The flaws go with you.

Don't marry someone for who they might become. Marry them for who they are right now!!! Please!!!

And lastly,
5. It isn't an easy transition.
There's a reason romantic movies end, rather than begin, with a wedding. It's because that's when the hard stuff starts. For anyone who's lived on their own for any length of time, the space between singleness and marriage is a wide one. It's a difficult transition for many.
When you're dating, you always see her best face. Once you get married, you see everything."
There's no way around making these adjustments. In order for the marriage to last more than a week or two, you'll have to find a way to cope. Don't be taken by surprise; expect a few hiccups going in.

So the conclusion is simple. 
Marriage is wonderful. There is no better way to make it through life than with a partner who loves you despite your morning breath, despite your stinky Converse All-Stars and despite your failure to clean coffee stains. Marriage is deeply satisfying, incredibly fulfilling and loads of fun. It makes the harsh edges of life a little softer. It brings joy and hope and laughter. But it's not easy, and it's not something to rush into without thinking.

So: Know the benefits. Know the challenges. Know your potential mate. Get your expectations right. Then, jump in with both feet. You're gonna like it.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm this is d very fact about marriage,thank u crazy writa.


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