
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


How to Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back.

One of the biggest things in a girl's life is the boy. And vice versa. Relationship breaks for many reasons. But you can get your man back if you want to. These steps may help.

Try to think of reasons why you broke up. Maybe you're too clingy? Maybe you're demanding? You should have a talk with him and discuss these problems. If you did something bad, just apologize, it will help the friendship. Also, try to think of reasons why you want him back. Also, if you're the one who broke up with him and you want him back, think of why you broke up with him in the first place and try to fix that.

Keep a couple of days just to yourself. And for him too, you don't want him thinking that you are really desperate. So, just pamper
yourself so that, by the time of your next confrontation, you'll look stunning. When it comes to the time to confront your ex-boyfriend about the whole mis-happening, don't beg and plead for him to take you back. Give him subtle hints about memories that you two shared together. This shows him that you're still thinking about him.

Play hard to get. Don't act as if you care what he does, or who he's with. 'Kill him with kindness' and don't worry about the new girl - she's probably just a rebound and trying to make you jealous. He'll eventually realize what he had. If he looks at you while he's with her, smile, and if he still talks about you, live it. Don't ever sleep with him in a bid to get him back. Do what he does. If he ignores you, ignore him. if he talks to you, talk to him, but not too much. If he wants to hang out with you, hang out with him. If he flirts, then do the opposite- don't flirt, act like you're over him, but then flirt, he'll get the hint). If you're a preteen or teen, don't go crazy, telling everybody lies about him and brag. If you're an adult, be calm and relax, but don't be crazy and follow him. #winks

This next step is hard to give a one sentence title. But its a huge step in getting him back. So
If he has been ignoring you since he left the relationship, Don't write him a couple of sad notes. Have you friends and family that he likes talk to him about you to see what he has to say. If he says he's over you, act like you're over him. Dress more attractively, hang out where he does, put things on your Facebook, etc. that you know he will read. Be irresistible so his mouth will drop every time he sees you. Act nice, be beautiful and attractive. The benefit of this step is two-fold. Helps you to move on, and helps him to feel his missing something.

When you're around him and his friends, talk more to his friends rather than talking to him so that he develops some jealousy and knows that you're not drooling over him anymore. That means that he will want you back even more.

Don't act or dress any differently. If he really wants to get back with you, you only need to change what you were doing wrong. For example, if you were being too clingy, back off a little bit. Don't make the classic mistake of telling him you've changed; show him!!!!

N.B. These are just suggestions. Individuals differ. Some boyfriends don't want to come back. Some girlfriends too. But no harm in trying. If he doesn't come back, you can move on. How can you do that? Watch out for our next relationship series.

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