
Sunday, February 16, 2014


There is huge confusion in the church of England after Bishops agreed that married gay couples can ask for special prayers in the Church of England after their wedding, but later released new guidelines that says gay priests will be banned from getting married despite the fact it becomes legal in the UK next month.

This obviously have not gone down well with all the priest as a good number of them are gay.

One vicar who has vowed to marry despite today's guidelines released by the House of
Bishops is Andrew Cain, vicar at St Mary's church in Kilburn, North London.

He yesterday proposed to his boyfriend, Stephen Foreshaw, for Valentine's Day.

‘I woke up thinking, great I’m engaged. And then I saw these new guidelines,'

'It is irritating. But it is not going to change anything. People will get married and then they will have to decide what they will then do.'

Mr Cain, 50, and Mr Foreshaw, 40, have been in a relationship 14 years and the vicar decided to propose ahead of the Same-Sex Marriage Act next month.

He said the new guidance makes the Church 'even more of a laughing stock' and described those who passed the rules as 'bullies'.

Mr Cain revealed that he and others had been told that they had the support of the Church, and were not expecting the guidelines to be released.

‘To treat them like this publicly is dreadful. All of the bishops will know one [a gay priest]. They are  telling people in private "we support you" and then publicly saying the opposite,' he said.

'It is absolutely shocking. On one level they are doing what the Church did to women in the past.'

He said that when he gets married, it will be expensive and complicated for the Church to discipline him.

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