
Friday, January 31, 2014

TOUCHING STORY: Meet This Man Who Wanted To Jump From a bridge, reunites with the Man Who saved him.

A man whose life was saved by a stranger six years ago after he tried to jump off a bridge has been reunited with the person who saved his life following a global Twitter campaign

Two weeks ago, Jonny Benjamin, was on TV appealing for the man who encouraged him not to jump off Waterloo Bridge, in London, to come forward.
Waterloo bridge, London.

He had launched the #FindMike appeal - desperate to say thanks to the kind stranger who talked him down from the bridge.

Today, Mr Benjamin was back on the television programme, but this time to reveal that following the search which went worldwide he has been reunited with the Good Samaritan - Neil Laybourn.
Neil laybourn. The good Samaritan.

Mr Benjamin had climbed on to a ledge on the bridge after spending a month in hospital.
Mr Benjamin. Wanted to jump.

He had been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

As Mr Benjamin contemplated jumping into the River Thames, Mr Laybourn spoke to him and offered to buy him a coffee.

He said: 'It all happened very quickly but I think as soon as I saw what was happening, I registered what was going on straight away.

'There was a little while before I was able to come over to Jonny and I was just thinking all the time to try and get to him.'

Mr Laybourn admitted he had never forgotten about Mr Benjamin and modestly spoke about being pleased that he could help a man in need.
Happy reunion.


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