
Friday, January 17, 2014

5 reasons why you should not stay in contact with ur Ex

Someone once said to me " if two ex lover remains as close friends after breakup, it means two thing: they are still in love or never in love".
 That's is a very true quote.  But to be more explicit, crazywrita took sometime to explain at least 5 reasons why you should not keep in touch with your Ex even if the relationship ended amicably.
False Expectations: Keeping in touch with your ex can lead to a misinterpretation of signals. If your ex has truly left on amicable terms and wants to remain friends, he or she may pursue the dating scene and or even find a new relationship shortly after the breakup. Let's say you've misread their signs and you've mistaken their friendship for a reconciliation to your relationship. Not only have you set false hopes for yourself, but eventually your ex will be wary of seeing you again out of fear that it may re-ignite feelings that he/she no longer reciprocates.
Remember Why: Always remember that you and your ex have parted ways for a reason. In between the breakup, their may be a few sporadic moments where the feelings spark up again, but once the sparks end -- you will probably remember why you ended things in the first place. Attempting to be on speaking terms in the post-relationship phase will only make the struggle that much harder. If you couldn't make a friendship work within the relationship, how will it work outside of it?
Your New Partner: Even if you have truly found a friendship with your ex, you must accept that it can only be temporary once you meet someone else. Your new boyfriend or girlfriend will probably not be willing to tolerate you talking to your ex in spite of the friendship being strictly platonic. Whatever your views on relationships may be, your current partner's feelings should be a priority and associating with your ex is not healthy to either parties.
Public Image: While it is usually best to follow your gut instinct, sometimes those around you can often see your relationship better than you can. If you are involved in a relationship that was not healthy for you and you continue to attempt at having a verbal relationship with your ex, your family and friends may start to have a different view of you. You don't want to come off as a lost cause, so try your best to separate yourself from any communication with your ex, even if it is in slow increments. Remember -- these changes do not have to be permanent. With a great deal of time, these wounds can eventually heal.
Self-Respect: The most important person in your life should be yourself. If the relationship has ended and you are hanging onto unrealistic expectations, do yourself a favor and sever those expectations before they grow into something bigger. Choosing to talk to your ex when he/she is not ready is a sign of desperation and that can be a very embarrassing feeling. Hold yourself in high-regards and do not succumb to obsessive tactics in getting them back.

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