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Friday, January 24, 2014
Doctor smarter than Akpos
A doctor wrote on his new clinic: Any treatment is N10,000 and if we cannot treat, we will pay you N20,000.
Wanting the N20,000 for himself, intelligent Akpos came to the doctor and said: I can’t feel any taste.
The doctor asked a nurse to give Akpos a few drops of medicine from box 22.
Upon taking the drops, Akpos shouted “Oh STOP! it is urine!”
The doctor said “congratulations, your sense of taste is back now”.
Akpos was very angry that he lost N10,000.
He came back two weeks later determined to get N20,000.
The following conversation ensued between Akpos and the doctor:
Akpos : I lost my memory.
Doctor: Nurse! Please give this man some drops of medicine from box 22.
Akpos: Wait doctor but that medicine is for sense of taste.
Doctor: Congratulations, your memory is back.
Akpors fainted!.
Warri Bible is finally out.
Grab your copy now!!!
Sample version:
English: As it is written in the bible.
Warri: As dem yan 4 bible
English: Jesus entered the boat with his
Warri: bros J cum enta canoe with Im padi
English : As the boat was sailing,there was
a great storm!
Warri: As the canoe dey move naim yawa
cum gas!
English:.the storm was so great with it was
like a whirlwind!
Warri: As the yawa dey gas na im kasala
burst join!
English: the disciples became so afraid and
they shouted Master! Master!!
Warri: naim liver fail im padi dem ,naim dem begin dey hala Bros J! Bros J!!.
English: Jesus got up and calmed down the
Warri: na so bros J get up kon arrange the
English:. He turned to his disciples and
said oh ye with little faith !
Warri:.naim bros J luk im padi dem shake
im head kon provoke “O BOI ! Una fall
ma hand oo!
English:.the disciples replied and said
"what MANNER of man is this?"
Warri: im padi dem kon hala. “SHOO”
bros J u be winch?
Follow @crazywritablog
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