
Monday, January 20, 2014

Girls and Guys Get In Here:- 6 types of relationships you will have in your life!!

Six types Of Relationships You’ll Have In Life

Chances are you’re going to date a lot of different people in your lifetime. Some people get lucky and find the person after dating one other person. But I think the majority of us will date a few partners before finding the “right” fit, you know?
You may have to date various kinds of people and have various kinds of relationships. The good side is that Dating different people helps you figure out what you really want, so when you do find that person who clicks, it’s awesome.

Check out the different types of relationships you’ll have:

The First Love :-
This is true love and you know it deep in your soul. You may or may not end up together, but you'll always love them. Their memories could last a long time.

The Clingy One :-
You're bound to date someone who is just WAY too attached and who is clingy to no end. Its their own way of expressing how much they are in love. Its suffocating to some, while others just love the attention.

The Distant One
You're dating but you might as well not be because you barely talk or hang out. Business trips, vacations, Job etc. All are reasons why he MUST be away.

The One With All The Fights:-
Fighting in relationships is totally normal, but fighting all day every day is not. You're probably going to be in a relationship where you literally fight about everything, no matter how stupid. They just can't break up, but they can't be together peacefully.

The Purely Sexual One
 Mostly involves relationship with an older and married one. Both parties KNOWS it won't lead to anything good(except you want to be third wife). But are solely into it for the gain, financially or prestige.

The Real True one.
 Its every guys dream type of relationship. Mostly made out of experiences gotten from the other types of relationships. They click, they work hard to stay together forever. They fall in love maturely over and over again. It's sweet.

 Add anyone you think its not there.

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