
Saturday, January 18, 2014

4 tricks women play to get what they want.

Often times men are accused of being cheaters and players, but let’s not get it twisted.. Women can be just as guilty of the same thing.  Why don’t we take a look at some of the games they play!

She Plays the Emotional Card

Women like to get mad at little things here and there. For example, say you miss her phone call and you don’t return the call on time. She’ll start yelling at you.  She catches you glancing at another woman, she may give you the silent treatment. But here’s the WORSE thing for her to do.  Say she asks you for something and you don’t want to give it to her, what does she do to make sure she gets her way? She plays the EMOTIONAL CARD! Men, be weary of fake tears! They may just be a way to get you to commit to doing something that you don’t want to do. Gosh!! I hate those induced tears.

She Refuses To Sleep With You

If your woman normally sleeps with you on a regular basis, and you have upset her or have refused to listen to her demands, she may try to hit you where it really hurts! In the bedroom! Women know how much men can get addicted to this particularly fun pass time, and they can use it as a way to manipulate and get their way.  So be strong and don’t give in.

She Uses Her “Good-Good” To Play Games With You

For example say she knows that you are planning on going out with your friends for the night, and she is feeling insecure about you going out with your friends for the weekend.  Just as you are about to leave she sends you a thrilling text, tricking you to come over for the night so she can put her insecurities to rest.

She Flirts With Another Guy

If she flirts with another guy she is very foolish because at the end of the day it just shows that she is disrespectful, and quite possibly very untrustworthy.  The goal with this game she is playing? She is trying to get your attention and make you jealous.  Don’t fall for her trick!

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